Historické tabulky
1969-70: I.NHL (skupina B)
1. Baník ČSA Karviná 26 21 3 2 130: 57 45 2. VŽKG Ostrava 26 19 3 4 159: 70 41 3. Slezan OSP Opava 26 16 3 7 151: 99 35 4. Moravia DS Olomouc 26 14 6 6 107: 80 34 5. AZ Havířov 26 14 2 10 93: 70 30 6. Dukla Hodonín 26 12 4 10 100: 78 28 7. Tatra Kopřivnice 26 12 3 11 118:104 27 8. Ingstav Brno 26 9 6 11 100: 91 24 9. Baník Ostrava 26 9 2 15 80:126 20 10. TŽ Třinec 26 8 2 16 78:108 18 11. Zbrojovka Vsetín 26 7 3 16 81:120 17 12. Slovan Hodonín 26 8 1 17 81:156 17 13. Dynamo Jihlava 26 7 1 18 70:123 15 14. TJ Prostějov 26 6 1 19 64:130 13
1970-71: I.NHL (skupina B)
1. TJ Gottwaldov 26 22 1 3 147: 51 45 2. VŽKG Ostrava 26 18 2 6 138: 80 38 3. Moravia DS Olomouc 26 17 2 7 115: 84 36 4. Ingstav Brno 26 16 1 9 154:114 33 5. Slezan Opava 26 14 4 8 111: 76 32 6. Dukla Hodonín 26 15 1 10 110: 90 31 7. Baník ČSA Karviná 26 13 3 10 118:107 29 8. AZ Havířov 26 11 3 12 107: 98 25 9. ZMS Třebíč 26 10 2 14 100:143 22 10. TŽ Třinec 26 7 4 15 86:114 18 11. Tatra Kopřivnice 26 7 4 15 76:122 18 12. Zbrojovka Vsetín 26 7 3 16 61:104 17 13. Baník Ostrava 26 4 3 19 81:122 11 14. Slovan Hodonín 26 4 1 21 66:165 9
1971-72: I.NHL (skupina B)
1. VŽKG Ostrava 38 31 3 4 257: 86 65 2. Slezan Opava 38 26 7 5 231:100 59 3. Baník ČSA Karviná 38 26 1 11 183: 95 53 4. Ingstav Brno 38 19 5 14 195:147 43 5. Zbrojovka Vsetín 38 18 2 18 115:150 38 6. AZ Havířov 38 17 2 19 140:154 36 7. Moravia DS Olomouc 38 16 2 20 127:156 34 8. TŽ Třinec 38 18 2 18 139:146 38 9. Tatra Kopřivnice 38 18 1 19 131:112 37 10. TJ Prostějov 38 16 1 21 135:170 33 11. Dukla Hodonín 38 14 4 20 139:158 32 12. Baník Ostrava 38 13 4 21 125:177 30 13. ZMS Třebíč 38 15 0 23 141:203 30 14. Slovan Hodonín 38 2 0 36 80:284 4
1972-73: I.NHL (skupina B)
1. VŽKG Ostrava 26 21 2 3 154: 51 44 2. TJ Gottwaldov 26 20 2 4 104: 59 42 3. Baník ČSA Karviná 26 19 1 6 106: 66 39 4. Ingstav Brno 26 15 4 7 121: 66 34 5. Slezan Opava 26 14 4 8 111: 66 32 6. Moravia DS Olomouc 26 11 5 10 84: 87 27 7. TJ Prostějov 26 11 3 12 55: 87 25 8. AZ Havířov 26 10 4 12 84:100 24 9. Dukla Hodonín 26 10 2 14 102:115 22 10. TŽ Třinec 26 8 5 13 84:103 21 11. Tatra Kopřivnice 26 9 2 15 81: 90 20 12. Zbrojovka Vsetín 26 8 2 16 64: 88 18 13. Lokomotiva P.Šumperk 26 4 0 22 53:139 8 14. Dynamo Jihlava 26 3 2 21 53:139 8
1973-74: II.NHL (skupina C)
1. Tatra Kopřivnice 28 19 3 6 129: 64 41 2. TŽ Třinec 28 20 1 7 116: 76 41 3. AZ Havířov 28 13 5 10 97: 82 31 4. Zbrojovka Vsetín 28 11 4 13 87: 87 26 5. Lokomotiva P.Šumperk 28 11 1 16 87:119 23 6. ZMS Třebíč 28 9 4 15 98:115 22 7. Dukla Hodonín 28 9 2 17 93:124 20 8. Baník Ostrava 28 9 2 17 78:118 20
1974-75: II.NHL (skupina C)
1. Moravia DS Olomouc 28 14 6 8 111: 78 34 2. VTJ Hodonín 28 13 5 10 121: 96 31 3. AZ Havířov 28 11 9 8 98: 87 31 4. TŽ Třinec 28 15 1 12 96: 89 31 5. Meochema Přerov 28 15 0 13 87: 98 30 6. Zbrojovka Vsetín 28 11 6 11 95: 90 28 7. ZMS Třebíč 28 9 5 14 99:116 23 8. Lokomotiva P.Šumperk 28 6 4 18 63:116 16
1975-76: II.NHL (skupina C)
1. TŽ Třinec 28 20 1 7 133: 86 41 2. VTJ Hodonín 28 16 3 9 147:101 35 3. AZ Havířov 28 17 1 10 112: 92 35 4. Tatra Kopřivnice 28 17 1 10 113: 93 35 5. ZKL Brno B (Třebíč) 28 12 0 16 111:123 24 6. Meochema Přerov 28 11 2 15 81:104 24 7. Slovan Hodonín 28 7 4 17 103:142 18 8. Zbrojovka Vsetín 28 5 2 21 82:141 12
1976-77: II.NHL (skupina C)
1. Meochema Přerov 28 23 0 5 136: 69 46 2. VTJ Hodonín 28 19 2 7 169:100 40 3. Tatra Kopřivnice 28 18 3 7 157: 82 39 4. TŽ Třinec 28 12 3 13 117:113 27 5. Zetor Brno B 28 11 5 12 108:136 27 6. AZ Havířov 28 9 4 15 95:107 22 7. LP Šumperk 28 6 5 17 74:147 17 8. Slovan Hodonín 28 2 2 24 71:173 6
1977-78: II.NHL (skupina D)
1. TŽ Třinec 36 30 2 4 220: 86 62 2. Tatra Kopřivnice 36 26 2 8 204:104 54 3. AZ Havířov 36 24 5 7 155: 84 53 4. Lokomotiva P. Šumperk 36 17 2 17 127:129 36 5. TJ Prostějov 36 13 7 16 136:129 33 6. Zbrojovka Vsetín 36 13 4 19 119:145 30 7. Slovan Hodonín 36 12 4 20 120:161 28 8. TJ Nový Jičín 36 12 2 22 116:179 26 9. Vagónka Studénka 36 12 0 24 132:193 24 10. Sokol Ostrava-Poruba 36 6 2 28 88:207 14
1978–79: II.NHL (skupina D)
1. Baník ČSA Karviná 36 27 3 6 195: 94 57 2. Tatra Kopřivnice 36 25 4 7 184: 91 54 3. TŽ Třinec 36 24 5 7 157:104 53 4. VTJ Hodonín 36 19 4 13 173:130 42 5. AZ Havířov 36 17 7 12 126:102 41 6. Stadión Šumperk 36 14 7 15 143:126 35 7. Vagónka Studénka 36 9 4 23 127:180 22 8. Zbrojovka Vsetín 36 7 5 24 94:160 19 9. TJ Nový Jičín 36 7 5 24 96:202 19 10. Slovan Hodonín 36 7 4 25 108:214 18
1979-80: I.NHL (Skupina B)
1. TJ Gottwaldov 44 34 4 6 232:118 72 2. Slezan Opava 44 27 4 13 193:132 58 3. TJ Ingstav Brno 44 25 5 14 194:113 55 4. Dopravní Stavby Olomouc 44 24 7 13 190:147 55 5. Meochema Přerov 44 18 7 16 157:140 43 6. Stadion Hradec Kralové 44 17 6 21 142:148 40 7. Kolín 44 18 4 22 140:193 40 8. VTJ Vyškov 44 17 5 22 160:185 39 9. Zďár nad Sázavou 44 18 2 24 140:193 38 10. Karviná 44 17 3 24 163:179 37 11. Tatra Kopřivnice 44 14 6 24 131:176 34 12. TŽ Třinec 44 6 5 33 109:250 17
1980-81: Krajský přebor – severomoravský
1. TŽ Třinec 28 25 0 3 202: 63 50 2. Stadión Šumperk 28 21 2 5 185: 66 44 3. AZ Havířov 28 17 2 9 157: 86 36 4. TJ Nový Jičín 28 14 1 13 104:126 29 5. Vagónka Studénka 28 10 4 14 109:114 24 6. Zbrojovka Vsetín 28 9 3 16 114:113 21 7. VTJ Valašské Meziříčí 24 12 1 11 90:102 25 8. Slovan Orlová 23 8 3 12 87:118 19 9. Hutní montáže Ostrava 24 7 0 17 72:112 14 10. TJ Frýdek-Místek 23 0 0 23 34:254 0
Třinec postoupil do I.NHL
1981-82: I.NHL (Skupina B)
Základní část
1. Ingstav Brno 22 14 3 5 106: 61 31 2. Stadión Hradec Králové 22 13 3 6 94: 73 29 3. Lokomotiva Přerov 22 13 3 6 82: 72 29 4. DS Olomouc 22 11 4 7 98: 64 26 5. Slezan Opava 22 9 7 6 86: 59 25 6. TŽ Třinec 22 11 1 10 79: 86 23 7. Žďár nad Sázavou 22 9 4 9 83: 88 22 8. AŠ Mladá Boleslav 22 8 4 10 67: 78 20 9. TJ Kolín 22 8 3 11 62: 81 19 10. TJ Prostějov 22 8 2 12 75: 82 18 11. Baník Karviná 22 7 3 12 68: 82 17 12. VTJ Mělník 22 0 5 17 47:121 5
Skupina o sestup
1. Mladá Boleslav 34 15 5 14 117:121 35 2. Kolín 34 15 4 15 116:122 34 3. TŽ Třinec 34 15 3 16 133:141 33 4. Žďár 34 14 5 15 129:149 33 5. Karviná 34 13 6 15 127:131 32 6. Prostějov 34 13 4 17 124:130 30 7. VTJ Mělník 34 2 7 25 96:185 11
1982-83: I.NHL (Skupina B)
Základní část
1. Ingstav Brno 22 14 5 3 96: 50 33 2. Slezan Opava 22 15 1 6 91: 55 31 3. Hradec Králové 22 13 3 6 99: 67 29 4. Lokomotiva Meochema Přerov 22 12 4 6 79: 57 28 5. DS Olomouc 22 12 4 6 86: 64 28 6. Baník Karviná 22 11 3 8 71: 78 25 7. TJ Kolín 22 8 2 12 72: 83 18 8. TJ Prostějov 22 7 4 11 79:102 18 9. TŽ Třinec 22 7 2 13 82: 99 16 10. VTJ Vyškov 22 7 1 14 66: 91 15 11. Stadion Liberec 22 5 2 15 50: 77 12 12. ŽĎAS Žďár nad Sázavou 22 4 3 15 57:105 11
Skupina o sestup:
1. Baník Karviná 34 17 6 11 126:120 40 2. TJ Kolín 34 15 4 15 120:108 34 3. TJ Prostějov 34 13 6 15 128:147 32 4. TŽ Třinec 34 11 4 19 127:147 26 5. VTJ Vyškov 34 12 2 20 108:133 26 6. Stadión Liberec 34 9 5 20 93:116 23 7. Žďár nad Sázavou 34 2 7 25 96:185 11
1983-84: II.NHL (Skupina C)
1. TŽ Třinec 28 20 3 5 180:101 43 2. Prostějov 28 18 4 6 147: 85 40 3. Třebíč 28 16 3 9 147: 99 35 4. Kolín 28 14 2 12 90:102 30 5. Havířov 28 12 5 11 104: 90 29 6. Žďár nad Sázavou 28 11 3 14 119:137 25 7. Vyškov 28 8 0 20 86:134 16 8. Nové Město n. M. 28 3 0 25 53:178 6
Baráž o I.NHL
1. Dukla Jihlava "B" 4 3 0 1 22:15 6 2. Stadion Liberec 4 3 0 1 21:15 6 3. TŽ Třinec 4 0 0 4 14:27 0
1984-85: II.NHL (Skupina C)
1. Tatra Kopřivnice 28 17 2 9 141:106 36 2. TŽ VŘSR Trinec 28 17 1 10 131:111 35 3. AZ Havířov 28 15 4 9 119:91 34 4. TJ Prostějov 28 16 1 11 135:115 33 5. VTJ Vyškov 28 11 2 15 88:102 24 6. Tesla Kolín 28 10 3 15 99:128 23 7. Elitex Třebíč 28 10 1 17 108:122 21 8. TJ Zďár nas Sázavou 28 8 2 18 98:144 18
1985-86: II.NHL (Skupina C)
1. TŽ Třinec 28 16 3 9 121:98 35 2. Lokomotiva Meochema Přerov 28 15 2 11 117:95 32 3. Banik Havířov 28 14 4 10 110:92 32 4. Tesla Kopřivnice 28 13 3 12 128:105 29 5. VTJ Vyškov 28 12 2 14 100:112 26 6. Banik Hodonín 28 11 4 13 95:110 26 7. TJ Prostějov 28 10 3 15 127:147 23 8. Elitex Třebíč 28 8 5 15 98:137 21
Baráž o I.NHL
1. TŽ Třinec 4 2 1 1 14:13 5 2. VTJ Tábor 4 1 2 1 19:18 4 3. VTŽ Chomutov 4 1 1 2 16:18 3
Třinec postoupil do I.ČNHL
1986-87: 1.ČNHL
1. Poldi SONP Kladno 34 30 1 3 230:90 61 2. DS Olomouc 34 18 8 8 126:100 44 3. Lokomotiva Ingstav Brno 34 17 7 10 138:119 41 4. Slavia IPS Praha 34 17 4 13 133:113 38 5. Dukla Jihlava "B" 34 15 4 15 115:117 34 6. TŽ Třinec 34 13 6 15 122:114 32 7. Stadion Hradec Králové 34 13 6 15 119:117 32 8. Slezan STS Opava 34 12 5 17 112:135 29 9. Baník CSA Karviná 34 11 7 16 124:172 29 10. Šumavan Vimperk 34 11 5 18 92:129 27 11. Slovan Ústí nad Labem 34 10 2 22 90:131 22 12. AutoŠkoda Mladá Boleslav 34 6 7 21 90:154 19
Čtvrtfinále: Ingstav Brno - TŽ Třinec 2:1 na zápasy - 3:2, 3:4pp, 4:2
Skupina o 5. - 8. místo:
5. Opava 6 4 2 0 27:19 8 6. Třinec 6 2 2 2 22:22 6 7. Jihlava "B" 6 2 1 3 25:24 5 8. Hr.Králové 6 2 1 3 24:33 5
1987-88: I.ČNHL
1. TJ Vítkovice 34 29 2 3 192:94 60 2. DS Olomouc 34 17 7 10 116:87 41 3. Stadion Hradec Králové 34 15 8 11 145:141 38 4. Dukla Jihlava "B" 34 16 5 13 124:117 37 5. Slezan STS Opava 34 15 7 12 107:113 37 6. Šumvan Vimperk 34 13 6 15 97:112 32 7. VTJ Písek 34 11 9 14 115:118 31 8. Slavia IPS Praha 34 12 7 15 112:118 31 9. Lokomotiva Ingstav Brno 34 11 9 14 113:124 31 10. TŽ Trinec 34 11 5 18 101:120 27 11. AutoŠkoda Mladá Boleslav 34 10 4 20 116:146 24 12. Slovan NV Ústí nad Labem 34 7 5 22 97:145 19
1988-89: I.ČNHL
1. DS Olomouc 34 24 4 6 174:86 52 2. Zetor Brno 34 19 6 9 146:90 44 3. Šumavan Vimperk 34 18 7 9 114:115 43 4. TŽ Třinec 34 17 7 10 125:110 41 5. Dukla Jihlava "B" 34 18 4 12 173:113 40 6. AutoŠkoda Mladá Boleslav 34 14 7 13 111:110 35 7. VTJ Písek 34 15 5 14 123:122 35 8. Slezan STS Opava 34 13 5 16 131:141 31 9. Slavia IPS Praha 34 12 5 17 107:108 29 10. Lokomotiva Ingstav Brno 34 11 6 17 105:125 28 11. Stadion Hradec Králové 34 11 3 20 106:146 25 12. VTJ Litoměřice 34 2 1 31 86:235 5
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Jihlava "B" 2:1 na zápasy: 7:5, 2:5, 10:3
Semifinále: Olomouc - Třinec 2:0 na zápasy: 4:2, 2:1
1989-90: I.ČNHL
1. VTJ Tábor 34 27 3 4 190:85 57 2. TŽ Třinec 34 18 8 8 146:89 44 3. Stadion Hradec Králové 34 20 3 11 130:106 43 4. Šumavan Vimperk 34 15 6 13 107:113 36 5. Lokomotiva Ingstav Brno 34 14 5 15 114:124 33 6. DS Olomouc 34 13 6 15 146:106 32 7. VTJ Písek 34 10 11 13 91:109 31 8. Slezan STS Opava 34 13 4 17 98:113 30 9. Baník CSA Karviná 34 12 5 17 125:159 29 10. ZVVZ Milevsko 34 10 5 19 108:145 25 11. AutoŠkoda Mladá Boleslav 34 10 5 19 89:151 25 12. Slavia IPS Praha 34 10 3 21 111:154 23
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Písek 0:2 na zápasy: 2:3, 2:6
Skupina o 5. - 8. místo:
5. Hr.Králové 6 4 1 1 32:19 9 6. Opava 6 4 0 2 30:20 8 7. Třinec 6 2 1 3 25:32 5 8. Ingstav Brno 6 1 0 5 18:34 2
1990-91: I.ČNHL (skupina C)
1. Zetor Brno 46 37 3 6 225:110 77 2. VTJ Tábor 46 34 1 11 208:120 69 3. HC Slezan Opava 46 26 7 13 184:141 59 4. TŽ Třinec 46 26 1 19 183:154 53 5. Hradec Králové 46 22 6 18 180:174 50 6. Slavia Praha 46 18 2 26 188:204 38 Skupina o sestup: 7. Baník Hodonín 40 18 4 18 176:152 40 8. Šumavan Vimperk 40 17 5 18 155:140 39 9. Baník Sokolov 40 15 6 19 128:159 36 10. AutoŠkoda Mladá Boleslav 40 15 5 20 145:162 35 11. Baník ČSA Karviná 40 11 7 22 136:182 29 12. HC Brno 40 9 7 24 109:178 25 13. VTJ Písek 40 10 3 27 110:162 23 14. Racek VTJ Pardubice 40 11 1 28 99:188 23
1991-92: I.ČNHL
Základní část:
1. Motor České Budějovice 26 23 0 3 161: 59 46 2. Stadión Hradec Králové 26 17 1 8 132: 78 35 3. Slezan Opava 26 14 5 7 108: 88 33 4. Baník Sokolov 26 14 3 9 104: 96 31 5. Slavia Praha 26 13 5 8 92: 96 31 6. TŽ Třinec 26 13 3 10 110: 91 29 7. VTJ Tábor 26 12 3 11 110:100 27 8. Baník Hodonín 26 12 3 11 117:110 27 9. Zbrojovka Vsetín 26 10 4 12 91:101 24 10. HC Brno 26 8 4 14 71: 87 20 11. Auto Škoda Ml.Boleslav 26 9 2 15 79:120 20 12. Baník Karviná 26 8 3 15 103:137 19 13. VTJ Písek 26 5 5 16 80:120 15 14. ZVVZ Milevsko 26 1 5 20 68:143 7
Finálová skupina:
1. Motor Ceske Budejovice 14 10 2 2 76:40 22 2. Slavia Praha 14 9 3 2 62:43 21 3. TŽ Třinec 14 9 1 4 60:55 19 4. Stadion Hradec Králové 14 6 4 4 60:52 16 5. Slezan Opava 14 5 2 7 58:51 12 6. Banik Hodonín 14 4 4 6 60:71 12 7. VTJ Tábor 14 3 1 10 53:80 7 8. Baník Hodonín 14 1 1 12 28:65 3
1992-93: I.ČNHL
Základní část:
1. Královopolská Brno 26 18 6 2 140: 74 42 2. Stadión Hradec Králové 26 13 7 6 114: 68 33 3. Slavia Praha 26 13 6 7 86: 68 32 4. Vajgar Jindřichův Hradec 26 13 5 8 95: 69 31 5. TŽ Třinec 26 13 5 8 100: 76 31 6. Baník Hodonín 26 15 1 10 106: 86 31 7. Slezan Opava 26 12 7 7 86: 78 31 8. AZ Havířov 26 14 2 10 78: 66 30 9. VTJ Tábor 26 12 2 12 101: 86 26 10. Zbrojovka Vsetín 26 8 6 12 95:118 22 11. HC Brno 26 7 5 14 75: 78 19 12. Baník Sokolov 26 6 3 17 70:113 15 13. Baník Karviná 26 5 2 19 76:162 12 14. Auto Škoda Ml.Boleslav 26 4 1 21 63:143 9
Finálová skupina:
1. TŽ Třinec 14 9 2 3 53:44 20 2. KP Brno 14 9 1 4 68:39 19 3. Jindř. Hradec 14 8 2 4 63:44 18 4. Hradec Králové 14 9 0 5 63:49 18 5. Slavia Praha 14 7 2 5 55:44 16 6. Hodonín 14 3 3 8 36:66 9 7. Opava 14 2 3 9 47:66 7 8. Havířov 14 2 1 11 25:58 5
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Havířov 3:2 na zápasy: 6:4, 1:3, 3:6, 3:2, 3:0
Semifinále: Třinec - Hr.Králové 2:3 na zápasy: 1:0, 2:4, 3:5, 3:2, 1:2
1993-94: I.NHL
Základní část:
1. Zbrojovka Vsetín 40 33 4 3 188: 61 70 2. Slavia Praha 40 24 7 9 176:107 55 3. Královopolská Brno 40 23 7 10 182:129 53 4. Slezan Opava 40 24 5 11 139:117 53 5. Slovan Ústí n/L 40 18 9 13 121:105 45 6. TŽ Třinec 40 16 5 19 132:134 37 7. HC Havířov 40 14 8 18 138:131 36 8. HKC Prostějov 40 13 9 18 113:145 35 9. BK VTJ Havlíčkův Brod 40 13 7 20 128:172 33 10. Baník CHZ Sokolov 40 13 5 22 117:159 31 11. H+S Beroun 40 11 9 20 97:140 31 12. Baník Hodonín 40 12 6 22 113:133 30 13. HC Přerov 40 12 3 25 95:164 27 14. VTJ Tábor 40 6 12 22 107:149 24
Čtvrtfinále: Beroun - Třinec 0:2 na zápasy: 2:4, 2:5
Semifinále: KP Brno - Třinec 3:0 na zápasy: 3:0, 5:3, 4:2
1994-95: 1. ČNHL
1. HC KP Brno 40 26 7 7 154:98 59 2. TŽ Třinec 40 23 8 9 175:118 54 3. HC Vajgar Jindřichův Hradec 40 21 8 11 144:117 50 4. HC Havířov 40 21 5 14 170:134 47 5. TJ Baník Hodonín 40 19 8 13 135:124 46 6. H+S Beroun 40 20 5 15 140:138 45 7. HC Slezan Opava 40 18 7 15 147:125 43 8. HC Lev Hradec Králové 40 16 9 15 123:113 41 9. HC Slovan Ústí nad Labem 40 14 8 18 120:129 36 10. BK VTJ Havlíčkův Brod 40 15 5 20 131:149 35 11. VTJ Jitex Písek 40 14 4 20 121:137 32 12. HKC Prostějov 40 8 11 21 91:149 27 13. HC Baník Sokolov 40 7 9 24 92:154 23 14. HC Tábor 40 8 6 16 108:166 22
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Opava 3:0 na zápasy: 5:3, 13:2, 2:0
Semifinále: Třinec - Jindř.Hradec 3:0 na zápasy: 8:0, 4:2, 3:2
Třinec postoupi do extraligy.
1995-96: extraliga
1. Sparta Praha 40 27 3 10 152:108 57 2. Petra Vsetín 40 27 7 9 149: 85 55 3. HC České Budějovice 40 20 9 11 120: 85 49 4. Chemopetrol Litvínov 40 21 7 12 155:117 49 5. AC ZPS Zlín 40 20 6 14 126:111 46 6. Slavia Praha 40 18 5 17 148:140 41 7. HC Olomouc 40 16 8 16 112:109 40 8. HC Kladno 40 17 5 18 127:131 39 9. HC Vítkovice 40 13 11 16 105:121 37 10. Dukla Jihlava 40 13 9 18 115:142 35 11. ZKZ Plzeň 40 12 7 21 103:134 31 12. Železárny Třinec 40 12 6 22 128:162 30 13. Pojišťovna IB Pardubice 40 12 4 24 103:128 28 14. Kometa BVV Brno 40 9 5 26 95:165 23
Osmifinále: Zlín - Třinec 3:0 na zápasy: 4:1, 6:3, 3:2
1996-97: extraliga
1. Petra Vsetín 52 34 7 11 198:120 75 2. Sparta Praha 52 28 11 13 227:168 67 3. HC Vítkovice 52 25 12 15 160:120 62 4. Železárny Třinec 52 23 10 19 175:152 56 5. Pojišťovna IB Pardubice 52 25 5 22 170:164 55 6. Poldi Kladno 52 21 12 19 132:152 54 7. HC České Budějovice 52 20 12 20 149:145 52 8. Slavia Praha 52 21 10 21 166:167 52 9. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 20 12 20 171:185 52 10. AC ZPS Zlín 52 22 6 24 179:179 50 11. ZKZ Plzeň 52 19 9 24 155:172 47 12. HC Olomouc 52 16 11 25 122:155 43 13. Dukla Jihlava 52 13 10 29 140:187 36 14. Slezan Opava B.T. 52 10 7 35 125:203 27
Čtvrtfinále Třinec - Pardubice 1:3 na zápasy: 1:4, 4:3, 1:6, 0:6
1997-98: extraliga
1. Petra Vsetín 52 33 6 13 181:116 72 2. HC Vítkovice 52 31 7 14 174:142 69 3. Železárny Třinec 52 29 11 12 189:156 69 4. Sparta Praha 52 27 10 15 176:117 64 5. Keramika Plzeň 52 24 11 17 160:146 59 6. Slavia Praha 52 22 12 18 152:132 56 7. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 22 12 18 167:128 56 8. Pojišťovna IPB Pardubice 52 22 8 22 158:149 52 9. Dukla Jihlava 52 21 9 22 137:139 51 10. HC České Budějovice 52 19 10 23 149:149 48 11. AC ZPS Barum Zlín 52 20 8 24 166:183 48 12. Velvana Kladno 52 11 10 31 124:194 32 13. Becherovka Karlovy Vary 52 9 12 31 130:202 30 14. Bohemex Trade Opava 52 7 8 37 101:211 22
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Slavia Praha 3:2 na zápasy: 4:3, 3:4, 5:4ts, 4:7, 7:0
Semifinále: Vítkovice - Třinec 2:3 na zápasy: 6:5, 0:4, 1:3, 4:1, 1:4
Finále Vsetín - Třinec 3:0 na zápasy: 5:1, 4:1, 3:1
1998-99: extraliga
1. Slovnaft Vsetín 52 33 12 7 184: 92 78 2. ZPS Barum Zlín 52 26 12 9 180:138 69 3. Železárny Třinec 52 28 8 16 174:140 64 4. Sparta Praha 52 27 9 16 186:123 63 5. HC České Budějovice 52 23 14 15 173:129 60 6. Keramika Plzeň 52 23 14 15 148:136 60 7. Pojišťovna IPB Pardubice 52 20 13 19 128:126 53 8. HC Vítkovice 52 21 8 23 147:140 50 9. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 19 10 23 130:144 48 10. Slavia Praha 52 17 11 24 152:166 45 11. Becherovka Karlovy Vary 52 14 10 28 130:181 38 12. HC Opava 52 15 8 29 97:158 38 13. Velvana Kladno 52 11 15 26 119:175 37 14. Dukla Jihlava 52 7 11 34 88:188 25
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Plzeň 3:2 na zápasy: 2:4, 4:2, 2:3, 6:3, 4:1
Semifinále: Zlín - Třinec 3:2 na zápasy: 5:1, 2:1, 1:5, 4:5, 3:2
1999-00: extraliga
1. Sparta Praha 52 34 8 10 193:112 76 2. Barum Continental Zlín 52 27 11 14 166:116 65 3. Slovnaft Viva Vsetín 52 28 9 15 160:140 65 4. Oceláři Třinec 52 29 6 17 192:154 64 5. Keramika Plzeň 52 26 11 15 151:113 63 6. HC České Budějovice 52 25 11 16 163:152 61 7. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 22 11 19 151:140 55 8. Pojišťovna IPB Pardubice 52 18 9 25 153:173 45 9. Excalibur Znojemští Orli 52 16 11 25 140:169 43 10. Slavia Praha 52 14 13 25 100:138 41 11. Becherovka Karlovy Vary 52 14 12 26 153:185 40 12. Velvana Kladno 52 13 12 27 121:164 38 13. Femax Havířov 52 14 10 28 130:173 38 14. HC Vítkovice 52 10 14 28 117:161 34
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Plzeň 1:3 na zápasy: 3:1, 1:3, 0:9, 3:4ts
2000-01: extraliga
1. Slovnaft Vsetín 52 32 2 4 1 16 149:115 99 2. Excalibur Znojemští Orli 52 27 6 5 2 20 151:139 82 3. Pojišťovna IPB Pardubice 52 26 2 8 4 20 156:135 82 4. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 25 3 7 2 20 141:130 81 5. Sparta Praha 52 25 3 2 6 25 146:139 80 6. HC Vítkovice 52 23 2 10 3 19 132:126 80 7. Slavia Praha 52 25 4 6 2 21 151:134 79 8. Continental Zlín 52 24 2 7 2 21 143:131 79 9. Oceláři Třinec 52 21 3 4 2 22 164:163 75 10. Keramika Plzeň 52 23 3 6 2 23 150:144 74 11. HC České Budějovice 52 21 1 5 5 26 156:154 72 12. Vágnerplast Kladno 52 20 5 2 5 30 127:176 62 13. Panthers Havířov 52 20 3 3 2 29 141:180 62 14. Becherovka Karlovy Vary 52 15 2 3 3 34 117:158 49
2001-02: extraliga
1. Sparta Praha 52 28 4 8 3 9 196:132 103 2. Continental Zlín 52 25 5 4 3 15 189:154 92 3. Pojišťovna IB Pardubice 52 27 1 6 2 16 151:134 91 4. Keramika Plzeň 52 26 1 6 1 18 155:146 87 5. HC Vítkovice 52 23 5 4 4 16 158:132 87 6. Slavia Praha 52 22 4 5 6 15 152:125 85 7. JME Znojemští Orli 52 22 5 4 3 18 153:140 83 8. Oceláři Třinec 52 23 2 2 4 21 155:165 79 9. HC Vsetín 52 16 5 7 2 22 142:162 67 10. Becherovka Karlovy Vary 52 14 6 3 4 25 127:155 61 11. HC Havířov Panthers 52 16 3 2 4 27 161:189 60 12. HC České Budějovice 52 16 1 5 4 26 133:155 59 13. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 16 0 3 4 29 120:164 55 14. Vágnerplast Kladno 52 10 4 9 2 27 123:162 49
Čtvrtfinále: Sparta Praha - Třinec 4:2 na zápasy: 5:1, 6:4, 4:2, 3:4ts, 3:7, 4:1
2002-03: extraliga
1. Pojišťovna ČSOB Pardubice 52 33 4 2 2 11 170:112 111 2. Slavia Praha 52 26 6 7 2 11 150: 93 96 3. Sparta Praha 52 25 3 9 3 12 147:117 93 4. Oceláři Třinec 52 24 3 4 2 19 187:147 84 5. HC Vítkovice 52 21 3 8 5 15 154:127 82 6. HC České Budějovice 52 21 5 4 3 19 149:140 80 7. HC Vsetín 52 23 2 5 0 22 165:153 78 8. JME Znojemští Orli Znojmo 52 21 3 5 3 20 154:139 77 9. Keramika Plzeň 52 21 2 4 3 22 137:150 71 10. Energie Karlovy Vary 52 19 4 2 4 23 133:149 71 11. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 19 1 6 6 20 126:135 71 12. Bili Tygři Liberec 52 17 3 3 3 26 136:162 63 13. Hamé Zlín 52 15 1 4 5 27 134:160 56 14. Havířov Panthers 52 4 2 3 1 42 81:239 20
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Vítkovice 4:2 na zápasy: 3:2, 1:2, 0:1ts, 7:0, 1:0, 6:2
Semifinále: Pardubice - Třince 4:2 na zápasy: 10:2, 3:4, 4:1, 2:4, 7:2, 4:5pp
2003-04: extraliga
1. Moeller Pardubice 52 32 0 7 5 8 176:107 108 2. Hamé Zlín 52 27 3 3 3 16 153:119 93 3. Sparta Praha 52 27 1 5 2 17 150:116 90 4. Znojemští Orli Znojmo 52 23 5 5 2 17 148:138 86 5. Slavia Praha 52 23 4 5 3 17 152:127 85 6. HC Vítkovice 52 22 3 7 3 17 154:134 82 7. Oceláři Třinec 52 23 1 3 1 24 152:157 75 8. Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 18 3 7 1 23 138:140 68 9. Rabat Kladno 52 18 4 3 3 24 111:151 68 10. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 16 3 9 2 22 129:154 64 11. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 15 2 9 5 21 123:146 63 12. Energie Karlovy Vary 52 16 2 8 2 24 114:143 62 13. HC Vsetín 52 15 4 6 1 26 113:126 60 14. HC České Budějovice 52 13 1 4 2 32 105:160 47
Čtvrtfinále: Zlín - Třinec 4:3 na zápasy: 4:1, 1:3, 0:1, 2:3ts, 8:3, 0:1ts, 2:0
2004-05: extraliga
1. Hamé Zlín 52 31 2 4 3 12 145:102 104 2. Sparta Praha 52 29 4 5 2 12 164:106 102 3. Moeller Pardubice 52 29 2 2 4 15 185:130 97 4. Slavia Praha 52 29 3 1 3 16 164:127 97 5. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 25 7 3 1 16 149:121 93 6. Rabat Kladno 52 26 1 4 0 21 146:136 84 7. Vítkovice Steel 52 22 3 6 2 19 136:126 80 8. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 22 1 4 2 23 146:140 74 9. Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 21 1 4 2 21 134:139 74 10. Energie Karlovy Vary 52 20 2 5 0 25 134:136 69 11. Znojemští Orli Znojmo 52 18 2 3 5 24 137:163 66 12. Vsetínská hokejová 52 15 2 4 1 30 118:166 54 13. Oceláři Třinec 52 10 3 5 5 19 102:163 46 14. Dukla Jihlava 52 6 0 5 1 40 90:195 24
2005-06: extraliga
1. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 32 1 5 3 11 152: 94 106 2. Slavia Praha 52 31 0 7 1 13 164:111 101 3. Hamé Zlín 52 25 3 6 2 16 122:103 89 4. Vítkovice Steel 52 24 2 8 0 18 152:128 84 5. Znojemští Orli Znojmo 52 23 1 10 3 15 117:110 84 6. Sparta Praha 52 21 5 2 3 21 155:135 78 7. Oceláři Třinec 52 23 1 5 1 22 135:142 77 8. HC České Budějovice 52 19 3 12 1 17 115:118 76 9. Moeller Pardubice 52 21 1 5 2 23 130:134 72 10. Energie Karlovy Vary 52 19 2 9 1 21 120:128 71 11. Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 17 1 8 2 24 130:136 63 12. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 14 4 5 4 25 113:140 59 13. Rabat Kladno 52 12 5 3 4 28 114:168 53 14. Vsetínská hokejová 52 6 1 9 3 33 80:152 32
Čtvrtfinále: Slavia Praha - Třinec 4:0 na zápasy: 5:3, 7:4, 3:2ts, 4:3pp
2006-07: extraliga
1. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 28 6 0 4 14 161:112 100 2. Moeller Pardubice 52 29 1 0 3 19 177:131 92 3. Moutfield Č.Budějovice 52 23 9 0 2 18 160:144 89 4. Sparta Praha 52 25 2 0 8 17 178:157 87 5. Hamé Zlín 52 21 8 0 7 16 162:158 86 6. Slavia Praha 52 21 6 0 6 19 171:162 81 7. Energie Karlovy Vary 52 20 7 0 6 19 136:124 80 8. Rabat Kladno 52 21 6 0 4 21 189:173 79 9. Znojemští Orli Znojmo 52 20 7 0 2 23 117:129 76 10. Oceláři Třinec 52 20 4 0 8 20 145:162 76 11. Vítkovice Steel 52 22 2 0 5 23 141:141 75 12. Chemopetrol Litvínov 52 20 4 0 6 22 157:165 74 13. Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 20 1 0 1 30 141:173 63 14. Vsetínská hokejová 52 8 3 0 4 37 88:192 34
Předkolo: Karlovy Vary - Třinec 0:3 na zápasy: 1:3, 2:3, 1:2ts
Čtvrtfinále: Liberec - Třinec 4:3 na zápasy: 2:1pp, 3:4pp, 3:2, 1:4, 3:2pp, 1:3, 4:2
2007-08: extraliga
1. HC MOUNTFIELD Č.Budějovice 52 30 5 0 6 11 166:111 106 2. HC Slavia Praha 52 29 3 0 5 15 181:130 98 3. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 21 9 0 10 12 146:120 91 4. HC Energie Karlovy Vary 52 18 12 0 7 15 162:141 85 5. HC Litvínov 52 20 6 0 8 18 145:141 80 6. HC Sparta Praha 52 19 6 0 10 17 135:145 79 7. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 21 5 0 5 21 144:146 78 8. HC Geus Okna Kladno 52 18 9 0 5 20 151:144 77 9. HC Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 14 14 0 7 17 174:172 77 10. HC Znojemští Orli 52 19 6 0 7 20 133:139 76 11. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 19 4 0 7 22 131:149 72 12. HC Moeller Pardubice 52 18 6 0 4 24 147:157 70 13. RI Okna Zlín 52 19 1 0 4 28 135:166 63 14. HC Slovan Ústečtí Lvi 52 6 7 0 8 31 107:196 40
Předkolo: Znojmo - Třinec 0:3 na zápasy: 1:4, 2:5, 1:2
Čtvrtfinále: Slavia Praha - Třinec 4:1 na zápasy: 4:1, 1:2ts, 4:2, 1:0, 3:2pp
2008-09: extraliga
1. HC Slavia Praha 52 23 9 6 14 176:150 93 2. HC Moeller Pardubice 52 24 5 8 15 162:149 90 3. HC Litvínov 52 23 7 3 19 159:146 86 4. HC Sparta Praha 52 22 7 6 17 147:137 86 5. RI OKNA ZLÍN 52 21 9 3 19 145:151 84 6. HC Energie Karlovy Vary 52 20 7 9 16 150:142 83 7. HC Lasselsberger Plzeň 52 24 2 6 20 160:157 82 8. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 20 7 5 20 145:132 79 9. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 21 2 7 22 159:161 74 10. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 16 8 7 21 167:175 71 11. HC MOUNTFIELD 52 19 4 6 23 137:146 71 12. HC Znojemští Orli 52 17 5 7 23 126:144 68 13. HC GEUS OKNA Kladno 52 14 8 8 22 132:160 66 14. BK Mladá Boleslav 52 15 5 4 28 131:146 59
Předkolo: Plzeň - Třinec 3:2 na zápasy: 4:2, 6:1, 0:3, 3:4pp, 3:0
2009-10: extraliga
1. HC Plzeň 1929 52 29 6 7 10 162:128 106 2. PSG Zlín 52 25 9 3 15 154:129 96 3. HC Eaton Pardubice 52 27 4 7 14 179:131 96 4. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 21 9 7 15 161:136 88 5. HC Sparta Praha 52 21 9 6 16 157:132 87 6. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 20 8 7 17 153:148 83 7. HC Slavia Praha 52 20 6 2 24 142:151 74 8. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 21 2 5 24 141:151 72 9. HC Mountfield Č. Budějovice 52 15 7 12 18 130:151 71 10. HC Benzina Litvínov 52 19 4 5 24 152:193 70 11. HC Energie Karlovy Vary 52 17 3 9 23 135:152 66 12. HC Kometa Brno 52 16 5 5 26 123:150 63 13. BK Mladá Boleslav 52 12 10 6 24 135:148 62 14. HC Geus Okna Kladno 52 15 4 5 28 133:157 58
Čtvrtfinále: Pardubice - Třinec 4:2 na zápasy: 1:3, 5:3, 5:4sn, 5:0, 3:2
2010-11: extraliga
1. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 26 5 8 13 178:136 96 2. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 26 5 6 15 159:139 94 3. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 26 6 2 18 162:137 92 4. PSG Zlín 52 22 7 8 15 158:134 88 5. HC Eaton Pardubice 52 24 3 10 15 146:125 88 6. HC Mountfield Č. Budějovice 52 23 6 4 19 158:131 85 7. HC Slavia Praha 52 21 9 3 19 140:131 84 8. HC Plzeň 1929 52 27 6 3 16 153:145 77 9. HC Benzina Litvínov 52 23 2 4 23 133:162 77 10. HC Energie Karlovy Vary 52 15 7 12 18 152:154 71 11. HC Kometa Brno 52 19 5 1 27 130:146 68 12. HC Sparta Praha 52 14 6 3 29 115:142 57 13. HC Vagnerplast Kladno 52 10 3 5 34 105:172 35 14. BK Mladá Boleslav 52 14 4 5 29 123:158 33
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Litvínov 4:2 na zápasy: 6:0, 3:2, 3:5, 2:4, 6:1, 4:1
Semifinále: Třinec - Slavia Praha 4:3 na zápasy: 5:3, 2:3sn, 3:4pp, 0:4, 6:1, 5:3, 5:2
Finále: Třinec - Vítkovice 4:1 na zápasy: 5:2, 2:0, 4:1, 4:5sn, 5:1
2011-12: extraliga
1. HC Sparta Praha 52 27 8 10 7 163:109 107 2. HC Plzeň 1929 52 26 7 7 12 181:146 99 3. HC ČSOB Poj. Pardubice 52 23 5 7 17 175:136 86 4. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 19 11 5 17 145:140 84 5. HC Mountfield Č. Budějovice 52 23 5 4 20 129:127 83 6. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 20 7 3 22 143:150 77 7. PSG Zlín 52 18 6 10 18 107:125 76 8. HC Kometa Brno 52 19 6 6 21 142:137 75 9. Rytíři Kladno 52 19 5 7 21 129:140 74 10. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 19 4 8 21 146:143 73 11. HC Energie Karlovy Vary 52 17 5 6 24 137:154 67 12. HC Slavia Praha 52 15 7 7 23 140:158 66 13. HC Verva Litvínov 52 14 9 4 25 138:171 64 14. BK Mladá Boleslav 52 16 4 5 27 120:159 61
Předkolo: Zlín - Třinec 3:2 na zápasy: 3:0, 2:3sn, 2:6, 2:1sn, 4:2
2012-13: extraliga
1. PSG Zlín 52 25 7 5 15 158:137 94 2. HC Slavia Praha 52 23 11 3 15 138:111 94 3. HC Škoda Plzeň 52 21 9 8 14 160:131 89 4. HC Oceláři Třinec 52 24 5 4 19 196:159 86 5. HC Sparta Praha 52 24 5 4 19 171:149 86 6. HC Verva Litvínov 52 20 9 5 18 162:148 83 7. Rytíři Kladno 52 23 1 6 22 142:146 77 8. HC Mountfield Č. Budějovice 52 19 8 3 22 135:149 76 9. HC Vítkovice Steel 52 22 2 5 23 141:151 75 10. HC ČSOB Poj. Pardubice 52 21 2 6 23 155:161 73 11. HC Kometa Brno 52 17 6 9 20 149:158 72 12. HC Energie Karlovy vary 52 19 2 6 25 133:148 67 13. Bílí Tygři Liberec 52 15 3 12 22 137:178 63 14. Piráti Chomutov 52 11 10 4 27 127:178 57
Čtvrtfinále: Třinec - Sparta Praha 4:3 na zápasy: 4:0, 3:4sn, 4:3, 4:5sn, 6:3, 1:3, 5:0
Semifinále: Zlín - Třinec 4:2 na zápasy: 3:1, 2:6, 4:3sn, 2:1sn, 1:6, 4:3
Přehled komentářů
Any time that arrives in order to residence maintenance, the actual roof is actually often disregarded, yet that plays a crucial part in defending the house. Within this kind of post, we all'll discover the actual innovative answer of Roof shingle Miracle roof therapy, developed to be able to improve the actual lifespan and attractiveness of your own roof structure shingles.
The actual Function of Tile Magic
Roof shingle Miraculous is actually not simply another roof remedy; it's a groundbreaking answer that goes over and above the actual ordinary. It enjoyment a crucial part throughout extending the lifestyle of your roofing roof shingles, making certain they endure the particular check of period and the particular components.
Gains of Tile Magic Roof structure
One of the particular major benefits of Tile Magic is the capability in order to avoid the particular development of moss, algae, and shape upon the roof structure. This kind of not just maintains the structural honesty of the particular roof structure however also enhances it's visual interest, retaining this searching perfect.
How Tile Magic Works
The magic lies throughout the application process. Shingle Miracle generates the protective barrier upon the actual roof, stopping the development of damaging organisms. The result will be any roofing which certainly not just seems thoroughly clean and nicely-maintained yet likewise appreciates long-enduring protection towards the particular components.
Charge-Powerful Roofs Maintenance
While some might look at roof structure remedies since a great unnecessary expense, Roof shingle Miraculous confirms in order to be any charge-powerful solution. The particular initial expenditure within this particular remedy can help save a person considerably upon prospective restoration and replacement charges along the line.
Client Recommendations
Will not just consider our word regarding it—listen to coming from homeowners which have skilled the miracle themselves. Good testimonials coming from Roof shingle Miracle customers verify to be able to the particular performance of this roofing therapy, showcasing real-lifestyle examples of roofing transformed along with safeguarded.
DIY Application compared to. Professional Services
Tile Miraculous provides the actual versatility of both DIY application and specialized services. While some house owners might opt for the Do it yourself strategy, expert request guarantees comprehensive coverage as well as optimal results regarding those in search of any bother-free of charge experience.
Roof shingle Miraculous in Severe Weather Conditions
Roofing confront the particular push of excessive climate circumstances, as well as Tile Magic rises to be able to the particular challenge. This kind of remedy offers durable security, making certain your own roofing keeps flexible in the particular confront of severe climate components, such as large bad weather, snow, as well as extreme sunlight.
Environmental Influence
With regard to eco-mindful homeowners, Roof shingle Magic is the natural means to fix. The particular treatment utilizes ecologically safe and eco friendly supplies, decreasing its impact in the actual atmosphere although nevertheless providing leading-notch performance.
Personalized Alternatives regarding Various Roofs
Certainly not all roofing tend to be the actual identical, along with Roof shingle Miracle recognizes this particular. The actual treatment is flexible, providing tailored solutions regarding various roof varieties. Whether you possess asphalt roof shingles, metal roofing, or perhaps an additional materials, Tile Miraculous has a person covered.
Reviews with Traditional Roofs Treatments
Distinguishing Roof shingle Magic together with classic roofing solutions emphasizes its fineness. The actual advanced solution
Tile Miraculous Roof: Boosting Longevity along with Beauty
(AlfredthinD, 15. 11. 2023 18:58)
When it arrives to residence maintenance, the actual roofing is often disregarded, however this enjoyment a crucial part within guarding the residence. Throughout this particular write-up, we all'll discover the actual groundbreaking solution of Roof shingle Miracle roof structure remedy, developed to enhance the particular lifespan as well as elegance of your roof structure shingles.
The actual Part of Tile Miraculous
Roof shingle Miraculous is not simply an additional roof therapy; this's any groundbreaking means to fix which goes beyond the particular ordinary. This plays a crucial part within stretching the lifestyle of the roofing shingles, guaranteeing they put up with the actual check of time and the actual elements.
Gains of Tile Miraculous Roofs
A single of the particular primary advantages of Roof shingle Miraculous is it's capability to avoid the actual progress of moss, algae, as well as shape on your own roof. This not really simply maintains the architectural honesty of the roof structure yet also enhances the aesthetic appeal, maintaining this looking excellent.
Exactly how Tile Miraculous Operates
The particular miracle is placed in the actual software process. Tile Magic generates any protective barrier upon the actual roof, stopping the particular progress of damaging organisms. The particular outcome will be the roof in which not really simply appears thoroughly clean and nicely-preserved yet additionally loves lengthy-lasting security towards the particular aspects.
Charge-Powerful Roof Maintenance
Although a few may see roof structure solutions since a great needless cost, Tile Miraculous proves to be able to end up being a price-effective means to fix. The particular original expenditure throughout this kind of treatment can help save an individual substantially on probable resolve along with substitute expenses lower the actual brand.
Client Customer feedback
Don't simply get our expression regarding it—listen to coming from house owners which possess skilled the actual magic automatically. Good recommendations coming from Roof shingle Miraculous consumers attest in order to the particular usefulness of this particular roofing remedy, displaying actual-existence examples of roofs converted and guarded.
DIY Application vs. Professional Providers
Tile Magic offers the flexibility of equally Diy application as well as professional expert services. Although some homeowners may possibly choose a Diy approach, specialized request ensures comprehensive protection along with ideal results with regard to people looking for any bother-free of charge encounter.
Roof shingle Miracle within Severe Temperature Circumstances
Roofs confront the particular effect of extreme climate problems, and Tile Magic increases to be able to the particular challenge. This remedy offers durable security, guaranteeing the roofing keeps sturdy in the actual confront of harsh climate components, which includes hefty rain, snowfall, as well as powerful sunlight.
Environmentally friendly Effect
Regarding environmentally friendly-aware homeowners, Roof shingle Magic is the natural solution. The particular therapy uses environmentally risk-free as well as sustainable components, decreasing it's impact on the atmosphere while nevertheless supplying top-notch performance.
Personalized Solutions for Distinct Rooftops
Not almost all roofing are the actual exact same, along with Roof shingle Magic identifies this kind of. The actual remedy is actually personalized, giving customized alternatives for different roofing types. Whether an individual have asphalt roof shingles, steel roofing, or perhaps another material, Tile Miraculous offers a person protected.
Evaluations along with Traditional Roof Treatments
Distinguishing Shingle Magic along with classic roof structure solutions emphasizes its superior. The particular advanced method
Tile Magic Roof structure: Enhancing Durability as well as Beauty
(AlfredthinD, 15. 11. 2023 17:49)
Whenever it comes in order to residence servicing, the actual roof structure is actually often ignored, nevertheless this plays any crucial function in defending your home. Throughout this kind of write-up, all of us'll explore the groundbreaking solution of Tile Miraculous roof remedy, developed to be able to enhance the particular lifespan and elegance of the roof shingles.
The actual Function of Roof shingle Miracle
Tile Miracle will be not just an additional roof structure remedy; this's the revolutionary means to fix that will go beyond the particular ordinary. This enjoyment the essential role throughout extending the particular life of your roof roof shingles, making certain these people put up with the particular check of occasion and the actual elements.
Gains of Shingle Miracle Roofs
One of the actual major gains of Roof shingle Magic is its capacity to stop the actual development of botany, algae, as well as mildew upon the roof. This not simply preserves the structural integrity of the particular roof yet additionally improves it's aesthetic interest, retaining that searching pristine.
Just how Roof shingle Miraculous Works
The sorcery is placed throughout the particular request procedure. Shingle Miraculous creates any safety obstacle in the actual roofing, stopping the actual progress of damaging microorganisms. The particular final result will be the roof structure in which not simply looks thoroughly clean and well-managed but also loves extended-lasting protection towards the particular components.
Price-Powerful Roofs Servicing
While a few may possibly see roof structure remedies because a great unneeded expense, Roof shingle Magic confirms to end up being a price-powerful answer. The actual original expenditure throughout this remedy could save a person substantially upon prospective restoration and substitute costs down the collection.
Customer Customer feedback
Don't merely consider the expression with regard to this—hear from homeowners which possess experienced the miracle themselves. Positive customer feedback through Tile Magic consumers verify to the particular performance of this kind of roofing remedy, showing real-lifestyle instances of roofing converted as well as protected.
Diy Software compared to. Expert Services
Shingle Miraculous provides the flexibility of both DIY software and professional expert services. Although a few homeowners may possibly choose the Diy method, expert software makes certain careful protection as well as ideal results with regard to people seeking a hassle-free of charge experience.
Roof shingle Magic within Severe Temperature Conditions
Roofing confront the actual brunt of severe temperature conditions, along with Roof shingle Miraculous rises to be able to the particular problem. This treatment provides durable protection, making certain the roof remains resilient within the actual confront of unpleasant climate aspects, such as large rain, compacted snow, along with powerful sunlight.
Ecological Effect
For eco-aware homeowners, Shingle Miraculous is actually any eco-friendly solution. The actual therapy utilizes environmentally risk-free and sustainable components, decreasing it's influence upon the particular environment whilst still providing best-level overall performance.
Custom made Alternatives with regard to Different Roofs
Certainly not almost all roofing are usually the particular identical, along with Shingle Magic identifies this kind of. The actual remedy will be customizable, providing tailored options for different roofing varieties. Regardless of whether an individual get concrete shingles, material roof structure, or even an additional fabric, Tile Magic offers you covered.
Evaluations along with Classic Roofs Remedies
Contrasting Roof shingle Miraculous together with classic roof solutions highlights it's superior. The particular advanced method
Roof shingle Magic Roof: Improving Longevity as well as Beauty
(AlfredthinD, 15. 11. 2023 16:36)
When that arrives to home servicing, the actual roof is usually disregarded, nevertheless it enjoyment a crucial role within protecting the residence. Throughout this kind of article, all of us'll explore the particular groundbreaking solution of Tile Miraculous roof treatment, created to enhance the life-span and attractiveness of your own roof structure roofing shingles.
The actual Function of Roof shingle Miraculous
Shingle Miracle is certainly not simply another roof structure therapy; this's any revolutionary solution in which moves beyond the regular. It enjoyment the essential role within extending the lifestyle of the roof roof shingles, ensuring that they put up with the actual check of time along with the particular elements.
Benefits of Shingle Magic Roofs
A single of the actual major gains of Roof shingle Miraculous is actually its capacity to stop the particular progress of moss, seaweed, as well as shape on your roof structure. This kind of not just keeps the architectural trustworthiness of the actual roof however additionally enhances its aesthetic attraction, retaining this searching pristine.
Exactly how Roof shingle Miracle Works
The miracle is placed within the actual request procedure. Roof shingle Magic produces any protective barrier on the actual roof structure, avoiding the growth of dangerous organisms. The particular final result is actually a roof which not simply appears thoroughly clean along with well-managed however additionally appreciates long-long lasting protection towards the aspects.
Charge-Powerful Roof Repair
Although several might look at roof treatments since a great unnecessary cost, Tile Magic demonstrates in order to end up being the cost-powerful means to fix. The actual original expenditure within this particular remedy could reduce you considerably on potential resolve and alternative costs along the particular collection.
Customer Recommendations
Will not merely take the term regarding that—hear coming from house owners that get suffered from the actual miracle on their own. Good recommendations coming from Tile Miracle consumers confirm to the particular effectiveness of this particular roofing therapy, showing actual-life good examples of roofing changed as well as safeguarded.
DIY Request compared to. Specialized Providers
Shingle Magic offers the flexibility of each Diy request along with specialized expert services. While some house owners might opt for the DIY method, professional software guarantees comprehensive coverage as well as ideal outcomes regarding those in search of the hassle-free encounter.
Tile Miracle within Extreme Temperature Problems
Rooftops encounter the push of extreme temperature conditions, along with Tile Miraculous increases to be able to the actual obstacle. This kind of therapy gives robust safety, making certain the roof continues to be sturdy in the particular confront of harsh temperature aspects, such as hefty rain, snowfall, and extreme sunlight.
Environmental Impact
With regard to environmentally friendly-conscious homeowners, Tile Miracle will be the green solution. The particular treatment utilizes ecologically risk-free as well as eco friendly components, decreasing its influence on the environment whilst nonetheless supplying best-level efficiency.
Custom made Solutions regarding Various Rooftops
Not all roofs tend to be the actual exact same, and Roof shingle Miracle recognizes this kind of. The actual remedy will be personalized, offering tailored solutions for various roof structure types. Whether an individual have concrete roofing shingles, material roof, or even one more materials, Shingle Miracle provides you included.
Comparisons with Traditional Roof Solutions
Differentiating Shingle Miraculous together with classic roof structure treatments shows off it's superiority. The actual innovative solution
Shingle Miracle Roof: Boosting Durability as well as Attractiveness
(AlfredthinD, 15. 11. 2023 12:58)
Whenever this arrives to house repair, the roof structure is actually often overlooked, nevertheless that plays the essential part in protecting your own home. Throughout this write-up, we'll explore the particular groundbreaking means to fix of Roof shingle Miraculous roof structure therapy, developed to be able to enhance the particular life-span and attractiveness of your own roofing roof shingles.
The actual Function of Roof shingle Miraculous
Roof shingle Miracle is certainly not merely an additional roof structure treatment; that's any radical means to fix which moves over and above the common. That enjoyment a essential function in stretching the actual life of the roofing roof shingles, ensuring these people withstand the actual examination of period along with the particular aspects.
Advantages of Tile Magic Roof structure
A single of the major advantages of Tile Miracle is actually the ability in order to stop the progress of moss, algae, and shape on your roof. This kind of not only maintains the particular architectural trustworthiness of the roof but also improves its artistic interest, retaining it searching pristine.
Just how Tile Miracle Operates
The particular miracle is placed in the particular software method. Tile Miracle creates a safety barrier on the particular roof structure, preventing the actual growth of harmful organisms. The actual final result is the roof structure that not just looks clean as well as nicely-preserved however likewise loves lengthy-lasting safety towards the components.
Cost-Efficient Roof Repair
Although a few might view roof structure solutions since a great unnecessary cost, Tile Miraculous proves to be able to be a charge-effective means to fix. The particular original expenditure within this kind of treatment can help save a person significantly in prospective repair along with replacement charges lower the actual line.
Client Customer feedback
Will not just get the expression with regard to this—pick up through homeowners that have suffered from the particular magic themselves. Optimistic customer feedback through Shingle Miracle consumers attest in order to the effectiveness of this roof structure remedy, showcasing actual-lifestyle instances of roofs converted along with safeguarded.
Diy Software versus. Professional Providers
Tile Miraculous provides the particular overall flexibility of equally Diy software along with expert providers. While a few homeowners may choose a Diy strategy, expert software ensures comprehensive coverage as well as ideal outcomes with regard to those seeking the bother-free of charge knowledge.
Roof shingle Miraculous throughout Excessive Weather Circumstances
Rooftops face the effect of severe temperature conditions, and Roof shingle Magic increases to be able to the actual challenge. This particular treatment provides strong protection, guaranteeing your own roof remains sturdy within the actual encounter of harsh climate aspects, which includes heavy rain, snow, along with extreme the sun.
Ecological Influence
For environmentally friendly-aware homeowners, Roof shingle Miracle will be the eco-friendly answer. The treatment employs eco risk-free as well as lasting components, reducing it's impact in the environment although still supplying best-grade overall performance.
Customized Alternatives with regard to Distinct Rooftops
Certainly not all roofing tend to be the identical, along with Roof shingle Miracle recognizes this kind of. The particular treatment will be customizable, giving customized solutions with regard to different roof structure kinds. No matter whether a person possess asphalt shingles, material roof structure, or perhaps one more fabric, Roof shingle Miraculous has a person covered.
Comparisons together with Classic Roof structure Remedies
Contrasting Tile Magic along with classic roof structure treatments emphasizes it's fineness. The innovative solution
Tile Magic Roofs: Improving Life-span as well as Elegance
(AlfredthinD, 15. 11. 2023 11:45)
Whenever this will come in order to house maintenance, the roof will be usually overlooked, yet that enjoyment any vital role throughout guarding your house. Throughout this write-up, we'll discover the groundbreaking answer of Shingle Miraculous roofing therapy, developed to be able to enhance the actual lifespan and elegance of your own roof roof shingles.
The actual Part of Tile Miraculous
Roof shingle Miracle is actually not simply one more roof treatment; that's a revolutionary means to fix which goes past the actual common. It performs the crucial part throughout stretching the life of your own roof roof shingles, making certain they withstand the actual check of period as well as the actual components.
Gains of Tile Miracle Roof structure
One particular of the actual primary gains of Tile Miraculous is actually it's ability to be able to stop the particular progress of botany, algae, as well as mildew on the roof structure. This not really only preserves the structural trustworthiness of the particular roof however also enhances it's artistic attraction, retaining that seeking perfect.
How Shingle Magic Functions
The particular magic is situated throughout the particular software method. Tile Miracle generates any defensive barrier upon the roofing, preventing the actual development of harmful organisms. The actual result will be any roof that not really just seems clean along with nicely-managed yet additionally enjoys lengthy-enduring protection towards the components.
Cost-Efficient Roof Maintenance
Although some may possibly look at roofing treatments as an unneeded expense, Tile Magic proves in order to be a price-powerful solution. The preliminary expense in this kind of remedy can reduce a person substantially in potential repair along with substitute costs along the actual line.
Buyer Testimonials
Will not simply get the expression for it—hear through homeowners which get suffered from the magic on their own. Optimistic testimonials coming from Roof shingle Magic customers confirm in order to the usefulness of this particular roof structure treatment, showing genuine-life good examples of roofing transformed as well as guarded.
DIY Application compared to. Professional Providers
Tile Magic gives the actual overall flexibility of equally Do it yourself application and professional services. Although some house owners may possibly decide on the Do it yourself strategy, specialized software ensures meticulous coverage as well as ideal outcomes with regard to those seeking any bother-free of charge experience.
Tile Miraculous throughout Severe Climate Conditions
Rooftops confront the brunt of severe climate circumstances, as well as Tile Miraculous soars in order to the challenge. This particular therapy gives strong safety, ensuring your roofing keeps flexible within the actual confront of unpleasant climate elements, including hefty bad weather, snow, and powerful sun light.
Environmentally friendly Influence
For environmentally friendly-aware homeowners, Shingle Magic is any natural answer. The particular therapy utilizes eco secure along with lasting components, reducing its influence in the actual setting although nevertheless providing leading-level efficiency.
Customized Options for Distinct Rooftops
Not really almost all roofing are usually the actual identical, as well as Shingle Miracle understands this kind of. The particular treatment is actually customizable, providing customized options regarding numerous roofing varieties. No matter whether an individual have blacktop shingles, metal roof, or one more fabric, Roof shingle Miracle offers a person covered.
Evaluations together with Traditional Roof structure Solutions
Distinguishing Tile Miracle together with classic roofing solutions highlights it's superior. The actual sophisticated solution
Complete-Physique Attention at De Integrative Medical
(RobertvedgE, 14. 11. 2023 14:14)
Overview of Diamond state Integrative Health care along with their own alternative approach to be able to treatments in Middletown, Del.
Main Areas:
1. Integrative Treatments Product
-Dog snacks the particular entire person - brain, body and character
-Combines mainstream along with substitute approaches
-Addresses bodily, emotional as well as way of life aspects
-Medical professional-individual relationship concentrated in wellness targets
2. Providers Provided
-Primary attention along with persistent illness management
-Chinese medicine, therapeutic massage, naturopathic medicine
-Nourishment advising as well as health coaching
-Meditation remedy, deep breathing along with mindfulness
-Pure junk treatment
-4 therapies along with aesthetic treatments
3. Primary Treatment Vendors
-Medical professional. Christina Panaccione, MD
-Dr. Kristin Sniatkowski, Doctor of medicine
-Health professional medical expert Theresa Gillman
-Places of skills protected
4. Holistic Health Method
-Natural dietary supplements along with restorative foods
-Detoxification software
-Stress management as well as way of life adjustments
-Neighborhood classes and well-being occasions
5. Clinic Atmosphere
-Tranquil setting favorable to recovery
-Relaxing design and leisure room
-Onsite yoga business
-Local pharmacy of all-natural treatments
-Recap of De Integrative Health care's services
-Contact information as well as place throughout Middleton, De
Permit everyone know in the event that you would similar to myself to be able to increase upon just about any certain area in a lot more detail.
Complete-Physique Attention from De Alternative Health care
(RobertvedgE, 14. 11. 2023 6:03)
Review of Delaware Complementary Health care along with their alternative approach to be able to treatments in Middletown, De
Key Areas:
1. Complementary Medicine Design
-Dog snacks the entire person - brain, entire body as well as spirit
-Blends traditional and option approaches
-Contact information actual, psychological along with life-style aspects
-Physician-patient partnership focused upon wellbeing objectives
2. Services Made available
-Main care and persistent disease operations
-Chinese medicine, rub down, naturopathic medicine
-Diet counseling and wellness coaching
-Meditation therapy, deep breathing as well as consciousness
-Pure junk remedy
-Intravenous treatments as well as aesthetic treatments
3. Main Attention Providers
-Doctor. Christina Panaccione, Maryland
-Doctor. Kristen Sniatkowski, Doctor of medicine
-Nurse medical expert Teresa Gilman
-Places of skills included
4. Alternative Health Strategy
-Organic dietary supplements as well as medicinal foods
-Body cleanse applications
-Tension operations and life-style adjustments
-Local community workshops and wellness occasions
5. Medical center Atmosphere
-Peaceful environment conducive to be able to restorative healing
-Soothing design as well as rest and relaxation space
-On site meditation facility
-Local pharmacy of all-natural remedies
-Summary of Delaware Alternative Healthcare's services
-Contact particulars as well as area in Middleton, DE
Permit everyone know in the event that a person would certainly like me in order to broaden about virtually any specific portion in a lot more aspect.
Coaching Ones Dog With Leader Behavior
(Milfordinine, 12. 11. 2023 7:05)
Overview of Dominant Behavior pet education ideology as well as approaches. These people concentrate on constructive motivation although establishing the particular owner as load up head.
Key Areas:
1. Dominant Reactions Coaching Strategy
-Utilizing pet's natural load up reactions in order to respect proprietor since innovator
-Good motivation strategies
-Incentive-structured training methods
-Comprehension dog perception as well as behaviors
-Personalized education ideas for each pet
2. Conformity Coaching
-Fundamental instructions - take a seat, keep, appear, heel, along
-Teather coaching for jogging properly
-Checking getting, nipping, woofing
-Interpersonal interaction along with additional puppies as well as individuals
-Away-leash handle
3. Behavior Changes
-Dealing with difficulty manners - anger, anxiety, chewing, digging, etc.
-Fixing undesirable routines
-Coping with excitable as well as substantial energy dogs
-Training regarding separation anxiety
4. Specific Training
-Assistance pet processing
-Therapy canine certification
-Guard canine fitness and health
-Detection along with tracking capabilities
-Seeking canine efficacy
-Competition as well as display training
5. In-Home along with Pet Coaching
-Exclusive within-home classes
-Time training as well as pet applications
-Team classes in his or her coaching facility
-Twenty-four/6 trainer support regarding ship owners
-Review of Dominant Instincts' encounter and multipurpose coaching services
-Get hold of information with regard to evaluating and pricing
Let me recognize in the event that an individual might such as everyone in order to expand or include far more information upon any certain section.
Training The Dog With Dominant Reactions
(Milfordinine, 11. 11. 2023 15:44)
Overview of Leader Reactions canine training philosophy along with techniques. They emphasis upon good reinforcement although establishing the owner because pack innovator.
Main Areas:
1. Alpha Reactions Training Method
-Making use of dog's all-natural bunch behavior to be able to value user because head
-Positive reinforcement methods
-Incentive-structured training techniques
-Knowing canine psychology as well as behaviors
-Customized education ideas with regard to each and every pet
2. Obedience Education
-Basic instructions - remain, continue to be, arrive, hindfoot, lower
-Lead training regarding strolling properly
-Checking jumping, biting, barking
-Socialization together with some other dogs along with folks
-Away-leash control
3. Behavior Changes
-Coping with issue habits - aggression, nervousness, gnawing, searching, etc.
-Rectifying unwanted routines
-Controlling enthusiastic along with substantial energy puppies
-Training regarding spliting up anxiety
4. Specific Coaching
-Assistance dog processing
-Therapy dog certification
-Safeguard dog conditioning
-Recognition and following abilities
-Hunting pet efficacy
-Rivals and demonstrate coaching
5. In-Home along with Pet Coaching
-Personal in-home sessions
-Evening education along with kennel applications
-Team instruction in his or her coaching service
-24/6 instructor assistance regarding ship owners
-Review of Alpha Behavior' experience as well as multipurpose coaching services
-Contact info for examining as well as pricing
Allow me understand if you would such as myself in order to expand or include far more particulars on any particular portion.
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Hey there, cool cats! It's your favorite chill capybara!
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"Hey there, cool cats!
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Bali, the surfer's haven, where endless waves roll in, inviting us to ride the ocean's rhythm. The sun-drenched beaches, swaying palm trees, and the salty kiss of the sea breeze are a paradise for any water enthusiast. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a total newbie, Bali's waves are ready to embrace you.
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So, here's the deal: I'm extending an open invitation to all of you. Let's pack our bags, grab our boards, and head to Bali for an epic surfing adventure. I promise you, it's a journey that will leave you with unforgettable memories, new friends, and a deeper connection to the ocean and its wild beauty.
Join me, your capybara surf guru, for an extraordinary experience in Bali. Life is too short to miss out on the good stuff, and I'm here to make sure you experience the raddest, most gnarly side of life.
Catch you on the waves, my friends! ??????"
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Tile Miracle Roof structure: Boosting Longevity along with Elegance
(AlfredthinD, 16. 11. 2023 0:13)